Day 23 Hazard, KY to Booneville, KY

Total miles: 49, +/- elevation: 4236/4482, total miles so far: 701. Weather: cloudy, low 70’s humid.

Was having trouble with internet and I think this posted earlier. More pictures and info added.

Another day of big hills. Challenging riding but hills also have a big downhill.

Pat at the top of a big hill.

Winding roads up and down the hills have lots of washed out areas. Luckily not much traffic here so we can use the whole road.

In front of the Buckhorn Log Cathedral.
Built with all local lumber in 1928.
So glad to arrive at B&B.

Our innkeeper Linda who rents a private room with bath to cyclists.

Bikes on porch for night
We did again to a room

Billy Junior Smith lives in the house up the hill and takes care of landscaping at the B&B. We talked with him for a while about bike riding and his life in this part of Kentucky. He remembers large groups of cyclists coming through on the original bike centennial ride in 1976.

4 thoughts on “Day 23 Hazard, KY to Booneville, KY

  1. Pat and Mark….49 miles with hills is very impressive—well done. The cathedral building looks very interesting. I will be interested to hear all about your journey upon its completion. Continued good luck.


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  2. You’re laying down some miles the past few days!! Keep at it. Enjoying the virtual ride along! Lmk when and where you come thru KS. I don’t think you come thru IL, out of the way.

    Thx, Felipe



  3. You both are amazing! I enjoy reading about and seeing the photos from your daily adventures. Keep pedaling!


  4. Thanks for reposting…missed our daily fix….nice way to start the day..cup of coffee, a biscotti
    and a vicarious bike journey..pleasant way to begin the day


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